Hey friends!
BforPlanet is putting business to work for the planet.
But we can all contribute in our own small (or big) way – here you can fight the climate crisis, a forest at a time.
Choose a project, choose the number of trees and get planting!
How many trees can you help us plant?
Plant here with one click!
Let it become even more trees!
Choose your favourite planting project and plant a tree for 1 - 3 EurosForest Frontrunners
The planting projects

Plant-for-Ghana – Ghana
Plant-for-Ghana is a pioneer reforestation project that aims to restore 10 million local tree species in the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana, while contributing to the creation of green jobs in rural areas, raising awareness on biodiversity among the local people and creating sustainable sources of income for many families in said zone. Additionally, it serves as a research ground for partner universities to provide students with field experience.
Find out more here.
€2.00 per tree

The Heart of the World – Colombia
Jaguar Siembra is a community regenerative agriculture project by indigenous people in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. With your donation, they restore forests, preserve nature and provide food security for the indigenous communities. Additionally, their mission is to preserve water supply and support the creation of a natural biodiverse reserve in a special place called The Heart Of The World.
Find out more here.
€3.00 per tree

Plant-for-Ethiopia – Ethiopia
Plant-for-Ethiopia is part of Plant-Together; a collaboration between Plant-for-the-Planet and local Tree Planting Organisations. With your donation, a sustainable forestry management system, as well as a vocational training programme for youth, will be developed. In doing so, it provides a huge contribution to local welfare and prosperity and creates a source of materials, food, biodiversity, and soil fertility.
Find out more here.
€2.00 per tree

Conserve Natural Forests – Thailand
Conserve Natural Forests (CNF) is a non-profit NGO operating primarily in Mae Hong Son and Chiang Mai Provinces of Northern Thailand. Their mission is to restore natural forest landscapes throughout Thailand to optimal structure, functionality, and resiliency in ways that protect and enhance biodiversity, self-regulate landscape ecological functions, and improve the livelihoods of local communities in the long term.
Find out more here.
€1.00 per tree
#BforPlanet - The prime global event for sustainability
What's it about?
For every donated tree, a tree is planted and cared for in Thailand, Columbia, Ghana or Ethiopia. Our partner Plant-for-the-Planet transfers all donations to your chosen planting project. Every tree helps combat the climate crisis by capturing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in itself and the soil. For more information on Plant-for-the-Planet or the planting projects visit www.plant-for-the-planet.org